Good morning!
It's Saturday in Cincinnati and I really have nothing to do :) It's definitely time for an update on this blog!
1) I accomplished some long time goals in February and also moved out of my cute little apartment in the country. Ah, that was a lovely spot - I didn't get to live there long enough! :)
2) I went to Kansas for the month of March to visit with my cousin! I went to help her around the house because she just had her newest little addition to the family. A 6th baby - what a treasure and sweet little guy he is! Being at my cousins house reminded me of my growing up! Crazy, yes, but with a loving and laid-back mom which made things fun! And of course, always having siblings to play with! I learned to have a whole new appreciation for all my mom went through raising a whole slew of children (haha) and being there helped me understand mothers in a new light as well :) I'm thankful for the time the Lord provided for me to head out to Kansas! I can't forget to mention the generous gift of Krissy and Katie - although they couldn't come along, they supported what I was doing so much that they paid for my travels!
THANK YOU KRISSY AND KATIE - oh such sweet sisters I have.
3) EASTER! No matter what may be happening in life, we always have such a wonderful reason to rejoice! The Lord is RISEN! And in my simple, child-like way of saying it - "He did not stay dead." WoW! I have been struck this last week with Jesus' example of how in the midst of deep sorrow, he was submissive to His Father's desires. Jesus prayed in the garden that He would not have to go through with it...oh what grief, heartbreak, and pain He was feeling! But Jesus also prayed God's will would be done no matter the pain or hurt He would have to endure. Because Jesus was willing to face what His Father had for Him, to endure such hardship, we have all been given the most precious gift - FORGIVENESS and the opportunity to spend our eternity in Heaven! It had to be that way, and through Jesus' deep pain, we have reason for rejoicing. It's comforting to know He suffered pain and hurt like we do, but set the example for us of how we should be willing to go through it when the Lord does not see fit to remove it.
4) Immediately following Easter, I moved out to Cincinnati, Ohio with plans to attend God's Bible School & College this coming fall. I am very excited about studying God's Word in a deeper and different way! So far, it has been a challenge for me but I'm trusting and seeking to be responsible on my end too. I would appreciate any prayers you may happen to send up for me!
Nasia, Hannah, and our cousin Anne (along with some friends) were here last week! This was taken at the school.
6) I was able to sell 30 Katie Down books to an organization who sold it this past week at one of their homeschooling conventions. I have been praying the sales went well! I just emailed this morning to see how it went...I'll let you know
Aren't Katie Down so cute? ;)
5) I turned 27 years old on Wednesday! My friends and family made it very special for me and last night, Matt took me out to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat :) It was a fun event! Oh, I forgot to mention - Matt lives here in Cincinnati as well.
Check that out! Row C - niiiice seats :)
There you have it! The updates! I'm also currently trying to learn how to throw a Frisbee Golf (my friends are being patient with me) and enjoying the box of Oatmeal Cream Pies my siblings sent along in my birthday box! Oh my favorite Little Debbie for sure