A light-hearted and charming glance into the life of a large family. Katie Down whispers a reminder that children are a blessing and gently challenges readers to walk by faith.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Announcing the Katie Down Book Premier!

This Friday night, September the 9th, I will be in Anderson Indiana for a reception and PREMIER of the book!

Bateman Fellowship Hall (gym)
2406 Delaware St
Anderson, IN

I would love for you to come out and celebrate the finished product! :) Thanks be to the Lord for helping me finish this project of my life. *shew!*

If you want to purchase a book, they will be available!
They are 12.00 dollars, and for this special event I'm going to do a deal of 2 for 20.00! 
If you don't want to buy one, don't feel bad! Just come out to celebrate with me :) I would enjoy you simply showing up to say hi!